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Year: 2019

Type: Architectural competition, Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival Competition

Team: Katarzyna Lis, Wojciech Fikus, Leszek Orzechowski

Topics: Conceptual vision, mobile and modular design

(shortlisted) Elysium Strider

Elysium Planitia is a vast terrain with many of its most valuable Points of Interests being spread out over large distances.  Taking inspiration from a nomadic way of living a fleet of nomadic all-terrain rovers were proposed that allows for mobility, exchangeability and modular expansion of the colony. With colony sustainability being the most crucial aspect for survival several rovers types were introduced to meet the challenge of surviving frozen Martian desert.

Strider is a six-legged all-terrain rover designed to accommodate the four-person crew. When it operates independently its Environmental Control and Life Support System could sustain the crew during a two-week excursion.  Its legs operated independently in 6 degrees-of-freedom for maximum stability and traversability. Hexagonal pressurized cabin provides the most basic functions for the crew with an addition of second level expandable dome filled with water for radiation shielding. The dome provides an unprecedented occasion for large two-person rooms. The pressurized cabin is fitted with six hatches out of which three are equipped with hydraulic connectors used for docking and as airlocks.

You can travel, visiting various points of interests like InSight lander, space port or connect with another strider.  Create an expedition to explore an unknown region to witness it for the first time for humanity. Explore Mars on your own pace – just remember to monitor your power, oxygen, water and food…

The Awakening of The Great Martian Dune Kraken

When rovers with different functions connect they can create a multitude of task-oriented vehicles. With expanding numbers and complexity a familiar nomadic structure could emerge with explorers, mobile camps, caravans, and even oases focused on water, food and energy production – but with one exception – the potential for mobility. This mobility could perpetuate the evolution of regular nomadic structure into more biomimetic and complex creation. Spontaneous absorption and mixture of various functions would result in an awakening of The Great Martian Dune Kraken – an artificial multicellular superorganism controlled by its inhabitants. Rovers as cells, hydraulic connectors as muscles, sprawling tentacles engulfing yet another dune in search of water, minerals. A structure capable of traversing moderate cavities and small canyons. Its senses made of radars, lidars, and spectrometers It may be sluggishly slow, but its the only contender for domination over Elysium Planitia for this time being. The idea behind the Kraken has less to do with actual organism or AI and rather with the next level complexity of a human society operating a kind of mobile city for 100 people with a goal to sustain themselves. But in the end, isn’t it what bacteria our guts are doing with us?


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